Friday, 4 February 2011

It's blowing a gale here today!
The photo is ned almost being blown away (taken last autumn) I've blogged her in the sun, snow and wind, all I need now is one of her in the rain and I've covered all the weather conditions!


Anonymous said...

What an image of freedom! I love it :)

christine said...

so beautiful! Bon week-end!

Kristen Donegan said...

so lovely getting no where...sometimes thats the best place to be :) great picture (again)

Angela said...

Great photo!! You could have photographed Ned in the rain in Melbourne today, absolute downpour. You would let her have an umbrella, right, that would be nice : )

Maria said...

You have had luck in my lottery:D please leave your adress into my mail-I'll send you a little gift

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Fantastic photo. I bet that blew the cobwebs away! Hope you're enjoying the weekend :) x

slowdownapproaching30 said...

Wow! You have a beautiful blog and your photos just make me want to outdoors enjoying the big wide world! Thank you for commenting and leading me here! x

mrs cheese said...

What a beautiful photograph. The wind has stopped and the sun is out today. Hooray! x

Primchick said...

"just got back frommm the winnnndy city..the windy city, is a mightttty pretty..."
Hee... hee... :oP

Wellies and Vogue said...

love that feeling of battling the wind.. I miss straw bales they make the landscape so much more interesting!

HomeCollection. said...

yay! i got your cd today too!
i'll listen to it tonight,
but i've seen beautiful songs (like arcade fire for example) on the tracklisting! can't wait!
cool & thank you!