Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Went for a walk today and enjoyed the sunshine {more here} How is your week going?


mother of purl said...

Where did you get your sunshine from- it was freezing here. Digging the tash x

Suzanne said...

My week is tickety boo thanks :)
I love, love, love your photos x

alessandra said...

oh lovely...we had a bit of sunshine as well, but only briefly.
Funny that I posted photos of my little girl as well today!
the week could go better if only the sun would come out more often!

Kristen Donegan said...

looks fantastic- we had a weather bizarre here sun, snow, wind, rain- your "here" looks so peaceful :)

Primchick said...

Sun Shine? where..? right that's it, I'm off to come for a visit... put the kettle, on...
Marion :oP

isabelle said...

such great sunny and happy images!

Maria said...

I love these your pictures here!So full of joy.I'm in a flu so at home but there is is so lovely sun outside that i have decited to get better as soon as possible...

Poppy said...

Amazing pictures my lovely! :0)

Lou xxx

Noo-noo said...

How lucky are you! It's cold, miserable and grey in Norfolk. I'm fed up with heavy jackets, gloves scarf's woolly hat's and wellies. I mostly hate the mud and my dog getting covered in it so that I have to bath him everyday (no shampoo) which he loves but I'm beginning to hate doggy wet towels. Wish I was walking with you!!

Li + Belle said...

This are gorgeous photos. I especially like the 2nd. It is very, very great.

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Oooh gorgeous photos. It looks like summer....wishful thinking! x

kristina - no penny for them said...

oh how lovely! looks like you had fun! :)

Suite Henry said...

Is this you?
Lovely images!!

brigduong said...

I really like the third one :)

fen and ned said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments! x
'Suite Henry' I wish it was me but it's my daughter!:) x

silverpebble said...

Bliss. Nice 'tache!

wood & wool stool said...

you've a lovely daughter
i had to laugh reading your comment;
wishing it was you,
but on the other hand, than you wouldn't be her mother! :)

alma said...

I just want to be where you've taken those amazing pictures! Thanks for your sweet sweet comment!
Have a great week!

Suzy said...

moustache girl :)