Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Lovely  Li & Belle have set me the '7 things about me' task, so prepare to be bored people...... #1. I have been a Formula 1 fanatic for the last 20 years.  #2. I want my ashes scattered in the tunnel that the F1 cars drive through in Monaco.  #3. Since I moved out of my parents house I've moved home 22 times.  #4. Me and my daughter ned have lived in France.... twice.  #5. I have the worst short term memory.  #6. I'll have a house full of Great Dane dogs when ned leaves home.  #7. I was sure I had something more interesting to share!

I'm passing this on to any of you lovelies that would like to do it, as I know that quite a few of you have already done this but I can't think exactly who has and who hasn't (bad memory yes)


Hanna said...

Lovely!! Tanks for sharing! You are funny and beautiful:)

alma said...

But that was very interesting! Formula 1... wouahhhh!
Where have you lived in France?

Kylie said...

That's a beautiful photo!... but yes, I have loads of squinting and frowning wrinkles! :) Loved your "7". Kx

isabelle said...

It was interesting! and cute :)

Primchick said...

& finally a face to the name!!! (nice to see you..!!) :oP

alessandra said...

Hello Fen!
: ))))))) (I smiled 7 times, you see, it wasn't boring at all!)
Enjoy the nice weather and don't squint!

mrs cheese said...

Thank you for sharing your 7 things.
Love that you are going to fill your house with great danes.........BIG house needed!

fen and ned said...

You're all too kind! ;D
Hi alma, for a short time I lived in Bordeaux and then a few years later we moved to Lorgues, I'm hoping the third time will be the last time and I can stay put...with my Great Danes!xx

Li + Belle said...

Hi Fen, many, many thanks for sharing. This is all very interesting, fun and exciting, what are you talking about you. Wow 22 times so far moved. This is a big number I like your photo. It's great to see who is behind the blog.

Maria said...

You are so beautiful♥

Wellies and Vogue said...

wooo hooo to F1.. love your 7 things and the fact they include F1 twice!

and I'm always here for a post race catch up.. not many friends get my race chat!

Andrea @ little buckles said...

Lovely photo and face to a name now. Hoping it's not too long until you come back to live in France. x

Anne said...

It's nice to see your face! Thanks for sharing your 7 things, I enjoyed reading them :-)

Unknown said...

Hello lady... so nice to see your smiling face! The race at the weekend was gripping. Each one us is a different F1 driver.. Ru is Lewis, Charlie is Jenson, Dan is Vettel and I am Mark Webber... So pretty tense here in our household!! xLou x

Renohacks said...

Hey Fen!
I am a closet F1 fan, just don't tell my husband! I have lived in France (Paris) once only, since leaving home in have moved 11 times, and I too have a terrible short term memory. So much in common, hehehehe.
Lovely pic too.
Jo x

Poppy said...

I can't remember you looking that good! ;)

I hope you two have a fab Easter! hopefully see you soon.....

Lou xxx

kristina - no penny for them said...

hi there, lovely to see you, sarah! lots of fun and surprising facts about you too! :)