Monday, 2 May 2011


According to my blogger profile my blog is two this month! I enjoy reading other blogs more than blogging myself,
why do you blog and what's your favourite part about it? Have a great week you lovely people!


alessandra said...

happy 2 dear Fen and Ned blog!
wonderful photo : )
I like the fact I can share the things I like with other like minded people and it makes crafting process less solitary too. find inspirations from others and often to have a laugh or a big smile in my face. Blessed internet!!!

Anne said...

What a lovely photograph, I'd definitely be in for an evening walk over there! About blogging: I started my blog as some kind of photo diary and along the way I realised that it also challenges me and puts me in a creative mode when it comes to photography. And also, I looove reading other blogs and getting inspired by them! Happy two year anniversary :-)

Britt-Marie Oskarsson said...

Blogging around I suddenly found my way here. I like your place and I like the things you sell in your shop. Very nice!

Kristen Donegan said...

Happy anniversary!
I am guilty too of reading blogs when I should be doing "chores" so to speak:) - I love being part of a creative and personable community that surrounds the world

Hanna said...

pure in all your posts. thank u for making me happy with your kind comments. Ned is a very beautiful name by way..

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

I love the photo of ned skipping on a beautiful beach at sun set.

I too, spend much more time reading & enjoying other peoples creative blogs, than blogging myself, or even worse than doing the things I need to do. But it gives me great pleasure to feel apart of this wide world of the community of bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Wahou! Happy birthday then :)
I hope you will go on sharing so nice things :)

Menthe Blanche said...

Joyeux Anniversaire !!! And long life to your blog ;)

Marguerite said...

oh, happy birthday to a wonderful blog!!!

that picture is so lovely -simply adorable!

Pascale said...

Happy 2 miss. Funny pic.

isabelle said...

happy aniversary!!!

kristina - no penny for them said...

happy 2!

bloging gives me so many ideas, i met so many friends -- and it keeps me going! :)

Li + Belle said...

Happy two. :) I hope you blogging is very, very long, I like to read your blog. Through blogging I have met many people learned and found a nice pastime.

les pétroleuses said...

j'adore this pic ! happy anniversary to your wonderful blog !

mir said...

Joyeux anniversaire ! Cette photo me donne envie de danser ! Merci !

Poppy said...

Beautiful picture! You are a true inspiration... I'm not sure why I blog....the good thing about it is I did meet you! :0) xxx

alma said...

Magnifique ! Ca me donne envie de danser aussi !
Joyeux anniversaire !
Bloguer me permet de m'évader quelques instants par jour.

mrs cheese said...

Happy birthday little blog!
I love the happy skipping photograph xxx

Suzy said...

Hurray! (twice)

I started blogging because I found so many interesting things that I would stock and share somewhere...

Have a nice weekend!

les pétroleuses said...

I not resisted to made a post and a link talking about your wonderful "univers" on the petroleuses. have a nice week end

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!
I used to work in a vacuum until blogging gave me creative and lovely friends!

Tash said...

I adore this photo! Happy anniversary!
I started blogging because I wanted a creative outlet and i've since met the most interesting and amazing people.

Unknown said...

happy anniversary!

I blog for the connections to people far away, the inspiration... I couldn't do without it!

jennycatharina said...

so happy i found this blog. ur photos are stunning!

Kickcan & Conkers said...

Lovely photo, such joy. Happy blog anniversary...
I started blogging because I needed to share and communicate with like minded people. It's changed my life. I love finding, sharing and helping artists/ crafters/designers make a name for themselves.
I enjoy the internet commmunity immensely.

Txell said...

2 years or 2 months? Sorry , I 've been following you for a little time !
Anyway, have a happy birtday Ned& Fed !!
My blog is two months , and I'm not sure if I'm gonna work more in it. I'm like you, I prefer to read others blogs than work on mine.

See you!

brigduong said...

Love the last photo!

T C said...

sublime photo!!! happy blogobirthday (a bit late :)!!