Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Two things to say! Firstly a huge thank you for all your lovely Birthday wishes to Ned, she had a great day, thank you!
Secondly, really frustrating, another blogger glitch, I can't leave comments on any blogs that you have to choose your profile from the drop down menu under the comment box! Quite frankly it's really getting on my tits now! (hope that's a universal phrase) It only seems to be some users having the problem, Blogger says here that they are trying to fix it. Anyone else having the same problem? (lovely Hanna, I've been trying to say thank you for your post about the shop, but can't leave the comment, so thank you sweet sweet lady!)


Txell said...

I haven't entered in blogger from monday, I'ven't noticed it. I hope blogger'll arrange it soon !

Hanna said...

Thank you! Lovely Sarah.
/a smiling Hanna.

Li + Belle said...

I can't comment any blogs too.

Kristen Donegan said...

blogger has been so cranky lately- I think mercury must be in retrograde- hope this clears up soon :)

Anne said...

Haha didn't hear that expression before! It's funny, I might introduce it into the Dutch language as well :-) Hope your comment-problem will be fixed soon! Happy Wednesday!

Menthe Blanche said...

This morning I had one or two problems with Blogger, but it looks better.

walter and me said...

Belated happy birthday to Ned!

I had the comment problem for literally months, and was told it was the combination of a mac and firefox, drove me potty, though funnily enough it has resolved itself in the last week. Oh joy!

Lili's skies said...

I love this picture!
Excuse me my english is not .....

Suite Henry said...

No more problems as of yet.

Love this image.
You always have such great photography!!!

alma said...

I also love the photo but the expression is just something I definitely have to remember! Thanks for improving my English!

Lili's skies said...


Tash said...

Having the same problem yes. Never heard that expression, hilarious!

fen and ned said...

Hope I'm right in saying it's fixed, I was just able to leave a comment on a 'select profile' comment box. May not have anything to do with it, but I had also just signed in and unticked the 'stay signed in' box {I was getting desperate for ideas ;S} Hope anyone else who's been having the same problem has it solved too! xx

mir said...

Wonderful picture ! Happy Birthday !!!!!

Marguerite said...

I'm so sorry that I missed out on wishing Ned a Happy Birthday, because of my unintentional internet break! But I'm glad to read that she had a great day, that's wonderful!!

PS those flower pictures are adorable!!

les pétroleuses said...

so nice in blackandwhite !!!!! nice week !

Maria said...

I have had samekind of problems too...Don't give up

anyaadores said...

Hiya - blogger have had all sorts of glitches lately getting right on my nerves too - hope it gets fixed soon.
Have a sweet day.
A xx

Pascale said...

No your phrase with the tits IS NOT universal !!!
So funny...